Where Is It Hosted?
SOFTMASTER BG LTD uses hetzner.de to host our services in European Union.
Proactive Protection
We're using Bitrix' proactive Web Application Firewall, which categorically blocks the vast majority of attacks on web applications.
Your Data is Safe
Even in cafes, airports and other places with public WiFi connections, passwords to *.htmls.eu cannot be stolen. Users can confidently open *.htmls.eu in public places through WiFi or mobile network connections.
*.htmls.eu is accessed exclusively through an SSL connection, from intital authorization to the downloading and uploading of company data.
Data isolation
User data (data of each company/client) is separated at the database and cloud storage levels. The data of different companies is isolated in such a way that there is no possibility of receiving access to access of another user by accident.
Web server
A specialized server environment which does not allow write access to the local file system is used along with a customized PHP module which ensures isolation among users and security of user data.
Data transfer
Data transfer for all users is carried out via an SSL-encrypted connection (with a 256-bit key).
Application level
Bitrix' proactive protection blocks 100% of web attacks attempting to use application vulnerabilities. Malicious users do not have any opportunity to load malicious code via PHP. Access to *.htmls.eu is provided to users (companies) in complete isolation from other users with passwords encrypted via double md5. Limitation to specific subnets and logging of potentially threatening activity is also possible.